This page is about progress of democracy both in the USA and around the world.



Panther Baby
Some Recent History
The best way to know where we are headed is to know our history. For most of us, this is the most important part of this website. This was on WBAI on 2012-02-10 - a book author interview - sound only and gets off to a slow start and it is long, but trust me, it gets interesting and fun, and it's full of information we want to have if we are serious about democracy.

You might want to watch some of the videos below first. Then come back here.

Play: or right-click here to download.


Current Direction
Unless we change our direction, we are likely to end up where we are headed.
2012-09-11Click video to watch or right-click here to download.


An Alternative
Alice Walker, author of The Color Purple, makes a suggestion.
2012-09-30Click video to watch or right-click here to download.


Here's what they say.
2011-10-05Click video to watch or right-click here to download.

Here are some good photos.

What next? Take a look.

This seems to be their website:


Bradley Manning
The truth will set you free - or get you locked up.
Click video to watch or right-click here to download.


Other Activists
Other activists talk about Occupy Wall Street.
Click video to watch or right-click here to download.

Click video to watch or right-click here to download.

Click video to watch or right-click here to download.


New York City Police Memorandum:
Play: or right-click here to download.

Officers Pepper-Spray students At UC Davis.
2011-11-18Click video to watch or right-click here to download.

Occupy Wall Street Removed from Zuccotti Park by NYPD.

2011-11-15Click video to watch or right-click here to download.


Michael Moore visited Occupy Wall Street.
2011-09-26Click video to watch or right-click here to download.

The Elders speak.
Part 1
Click video to watch or right-click here to download.
  Part 2
Click video to watch or right-click here to download.


See how bad it is?
Click video to watch or right-click here to download.
   Who dares to support it?
Click video to watch or right-click here to download.


Other Countries
It didn't start here. We are just now catching up.
Click video to watch or right-click here to download.


The united States Government does not speak on my behalf.
2011-12-08Click video to watch or right-click here to download.
   From the College of the Atlantic in Maine to the climate
conference in Durban, Anjali Appadurai, speaks;
2011-12-09Click video to watch or right-click here to download.


The Government
Some politicians get it.
Click video to watch or right-click here to download.

Click video to watch or right-click here to download.


Anonymous has much to say.
2011-11-18Click video to watch or right-click here to download.


Here is something local (in New York State)
that probably happened because of the occupation.


Live Feeds
This website is often live but often replays video from a vew days ago.
Watch live streaming video from globalrevolution at


Scheduled News
Democracy now is a daily one hour news show. You can hear
it on Pacifica Radio, watch it on both Satellite TV services, and see
it anytime at Here's the most recent show.

   Thom Hartmann does daily TV and radio shows. You can see
them on Free Speech TV and online at
Here's the most recent show.


2011-11-28Click video to watch or right-click here to download.

2011-11-13Click video to watch or right-click here to download.


Click video to watch or right-click here to download.


Speaking Out

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